Abrams Rhonda and Barrow Paul, The Successful Business Plan.
Aulet, Bill, Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup (wyd. polskie: Przedsiębiorczość zdyscyplinowana. Od startupu do sukcesu w 24 krokach).
Axelrod, Robert, The Evolution of Co-Operation.
Åkerström Lola A., Live Laugh Lagom: Enough Is Enough--Embracing the Swedish Way to Balance and Happiness, William Morrow, 2017.
Barney Jay, Hesterly William, Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases.
Bettger, Frank, How I Rised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling (wyd. polskie: Jak przetrwać i odnieść sukces w biznesie).
Blank, Steve and Dorf, Bob, The Startup Owner Manual. The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great Company (wyd. polskie: Podręcznik startupu. Budowa wielkiej firmy krok po kroku).
Blank, Steve, The Four Steps to the Epiphany.
Branson, Richard, Screw It, Let's Do It. Lessons in Life.
Branson, Richard, The Virgin Way: How to Listen, Learn, Laugh and Lead.
Branson, Richard, Loosing My Virginity. The Autobiography.
Budziak, Tomasz, Sukcesja w rodzinie biznesowej.
Burns, Paul, Corporate Entrepreneurship. Innovation and Strategy in Large Organizations.
Bygrave William & Zacharakis Andrew, Entrepreneurship.
Camp, Jim, Start with NO...The Negotiating Tools that the Pros Don't Want You to Know (wyd. polskie: Wychodząc od NIE. Negocjacje dla twardzieli takich jak Ty).
Carnegie, Dale, Public Speaking for Success (wyd. polskie: Po szczeblach słowa).
Chan Kim W. and Mauborgne, Renée, The Blue Ocean Strategy (wyd. polskie: Strategia Błękitnego Oceanu).
Cialdini, Robert W., Influence. The Psychology of Persuasion (wyd. polskie: Wywieranie wpływu na ludzi. Teoria i praktyka).
Clemen, Robet T., Reilly, Terence, Making Hard Decisions.
Cloutier, George, Profits Aren't Everything, They're the Only Thing (wyd. polskie: Zysk nie jest ważny, jest najważniejszy).
Collins, Jim, Lazier, William, BE 2.0 (Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0): Turning Your Business into an Enduring Great Company (wyd. polskie: Twoja firma 2.0. od dobrej do wielkiej).
Collins, Jim, Good to Great (wyd. polskie: Od dobrego do wielkiego).
Collins, Jim, Great by Choice (wyd. polskie: Wielcy z wyboru).
Cooper Brant & Vlaskovits Patric, The Entrepreneurs Guide to Customer Development.
Dalai Lama, HH, Cutler Howard, The Art of Happiness. A Handbook for Living.
Dalio, Ray, Principles: Life and Work.
David Fred, David Forest, David Meredith, Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases.
Dollinger, Marc J., Entrepreneurship. Strategy and Resources.
Duhigg, Charles, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (wyd. polskie: Siła nawyku. Dlaczego robimy to, co robimy i jak można to zmienić w życiu i biznesie).
Duncan, Lee, Double Your Business.
Feidelman Peter J, A PhD Is Not Enough. A Guide to Survival in Science.
Ferrazzi, Keith and Raz, Tahl , Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time (wyd. polskie: Nigdy nie jedz sam, czyli sekrety sukcesów w biznesie).
Fisher, Roger and Ury, William L., Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (wyd. polskie: Dochodząc do TAK).
Ford, Henry and Crowther Samuel, My Life And Work (wyd. polskie: Moje życie i dzieło).
Forsyth Tina, The Entrepreneur's Trap.
Frankl Viktor E, Man's Search for Meaning.
Frankl Viktor E, Yes to Life. In Spite of Everything.
Freund James, C., Smart Negotiating. How to Make Good Deals in the Real World.
Frey, Ron, Ask the Right Questions, Hire the Best People (wyd. polskie: Zadawaj dobre pytania, zatrudniaj najlepszych ludzi).
García Héctor , Miralles Francesc , Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, Penguin Books, 2017.
Gawande, Atul, Being Mortal. Illness, Medicine, and What Matters in the End.
Gawande, Atul, The Checklist Manifesto. How to Get Things Right.
Gelb, Michael J., Caldicott, Sarah Miller, Innovate Like Edison: The Success System of America's Greatest Inventor (wyd. polskie: Myśleć jak Edison. Sposób na sukces największego amerykańskiego wynalazcy).
Gladwell, Malcolm, Blink. The Power of Thinking without Thinking (wyd. polskie. Błysk! Potęga przeczucia).
Gladwell, Malcolm, Outliers. The Story of Success.
Greene Robert, The 48 Laws of Power.
Grant, Robert M., Contemporary Strategy Analysis. Concepts, Techniques, Applications.
Hamond, John S., Keeney, Ralph L., Raiffa, Howard, Smart Choices. A Practical Guide to Making Better Decisions.
Harper, Stephen C., Extraordinary Entrepreneurship. The Professional's Guide to Starting an Exceptional Enterprise.
Harris, Russ, The Confidence Gap. From Fear to Freedom.
Harris, Russ, The Happiness Trap. Stop Strugglin, Start Living.
Hickel Jason, Less is More. How Degrowth Will Save the World.
Hill Clara, Meaning in Life: A Therapist’s Guide.
Hill, Napoleon, Think and Grow Rich (wyd. polskie: Myśl i bogać się).
Iacocca, Lee and Novak, William, Iacocca: An Autobiography (wyd. polskie: Iacocca: Autobiografia).
Jarvis, Paul, Company of One: Why Staying Small Is the Next Big Thing for Business.
Jay, Antony, Management and Machiavelli. An Inquiry Into the Politics of Corporate Life.
Joly Hubert, Lambert Caroline, The Heart of Business: Leadership Principles for the Next Era of Capitalism.
Kashdan, Todd, Curious? Discover the Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life.
Kawasaki, Guy, The Art of the Start 2.0: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything.
Keeney, Ralph L., Value-Focused Thinking.
Kiyosaki, Robert, Rich Dad Poor Dad (wyd. polskie: Bogaty ojciec, biedny ojciec).
Kotter, John P., John P. Kotter on What Leaders Really Do.
Klimek, Jan, Klimek, Sabina, Przedsiębiorczość bez tajemnic (Entrepreneurship Without Secrets, in Polish).
Lechter, Sharon L., Reid, Greg S., Three Feet From Gold: Turn Your Obstacles Into Opportunities.
Lencioni Patrick, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable.
Lencioni Patrick M., Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Field Guide for Leaders, Managers, and Facilitators.
Lencioni Patrick M., The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business.
Lowe, Janet, Jack Welch Speaks: Wit and Wisdom from the World's Greatest Business Leader (wyd. polskie. Jack Welch mówi... a cały świat słucha).
Machiavelli, Niccolo, Prince (wyd. polskie: Książę).
Mackey John, Sosodia Raj, Conscious Capitalism. Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business.
Markides, Constantinos C., Geroski, Paul A., Fast Second: How Smart Companies Bypass Radical Innovation to Enter and Dominate New Markets.
Marszalec, Janusz, Jak zostać przedsiębiorcą. Zbuduj własną firmę i odnieś sukces! (How to Become an Entrepreneur. Build Your Own Business and Succeed!, in Polish).
McLaughlin, Ed., Lydecker, Wyn, and McLaughlin, Paul, The Purpose Is Profit: The Truth About Starting and Building Your Own Business.
Meyer, Erin, The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business.
Michaelson, Gerald A., and Michaelson, Steven, Sun Tzu - The Art of War for Managers: 50 Strategic Rules Updated for Today's Business.
Mogi Ken , The Little Book of Ikigai: The Japanese Guide to Finding Your Purpose in Life, Quercus, 2018.
Nash Laura, Stevenson Howard, Just Enogh: Tools for Creating Success in Your Work and Life.
Oakey, Ray, High-Technology Entrepreneurship.
Ostervalder, Alexander and Pigneur, Yves, Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers (wyd. polskie: Tworzenie modeli biznesowych. Podręcznik wizjonera).
Ostervalder, Alexander, Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want.
Parish, David, T-Shirts and Suits. A Guide to the Business of Creativity.
Peterson, Jordan B, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (wyd. polskie: 12 życiowych zasad. Antidotum na chaos).
Raghunathan Raj, If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Happy?
Ries, Eric, The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses (wyd. polskie: Metoda Lean Startup. Wykorzystaj innowacyjne narzędzia i stwórz firmę, która zdobędzie rynek).
Sahlberg, Pasi, Finnish Lessons. What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland?
Schwartz, Barry, The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less (wyd. polskie: Paradoks wyboru. Dlaczego więcej to mniej).
Segall, Ken, Insanely Simple. The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success.
Seligman Martin, Flourish. A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being.
Senge, Peter N., The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization (wyd. polskie: Piąta dyscyplina. Teoria i praktyka organizacji uczących się).
Senor, Dan, Singer, Saul, Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle (wyd. polskie: Naród start-upów Historia cudu gospodarczego Izraela).
Seppälä Emma, The Happiness Track: How to Apply the Science of Happiness to Accelerate Your Success.
Servan-Schreiber, David, Anticancer. A New Way of Life (wyd. polskie: Antyrak. Nowy styl życia).
Servan-Schreiber, David,The Instinct to Heal: Curing Depression, Anxiety and Stress Without Drugs and Without Talk Therapy (wyd. polskie: Zdrowiej! Pokonaj lęk, stres i depresję).
Servan-Schreiber, David, Not the Last Goodbye (wyd. polskie: Można żegnać się wiele razy).
Shepherd Dean A., Patzelt Holger, Entrepreneurial Cognition. Exploring the Mindset of Entrepreneurs.
Sinek, Simon, Start with WHY: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (wyd. polskie: Zaczynaj od DLACZEGO. Jak wielcy liderzy inspirują innych do działania).
Stoneman, Paul (ed.), Handbook of the Economics of Innovation and Technological Change.
Stoneman, Paul, Soft Innovation. Economics, Product Aesthetics, and the Creative Industries.
Tichy, Noel M., Bennis Warren G., Judgment: How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls (wyd. polskie: Rozstrzygające decyzje. Jak liderzy-zwycięzcy dokonują trafnych wyborów).
Tzu, Sun, The Art of War.
Ueland, Brenda, If You Want to Write. A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit.
Ury, William, Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations (wyd. polskie: Odchodząc od NIE. Negocjowanie od konfrontacji do kooperacji).
Ury, William, Getting to Yes with Yourself: How to Get What You Truly Want.
White, Pepper, The Idea Factory: Learning to Think at MIT.
Voss, Chriss, Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It (wyd. polskie: Negocjuj jakby od tego zależało twoje życie).
Walker, Matthew, Why We Sleep. Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams.
Walker, Timothy D., Teach Like Finland. 33 Simple Strategies for Joyful Classrooms.
Ware Bronnie, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing.
Wasserman Noam, The Founder's Dilemma. Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup.
Welch, Jack and Welch, Suzy, Winning (wyd. polskie: Winning znaczy zwyciężać).
Wieczorkowska-Wierzbińska, Grażyna, Psychologiczne ograniczenia (Psychological Limitations, in Polish).
Wiking Meik , The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living, Ulysses Press, Berkeley, 2017.