(22) 825 84 06

Entrepreneurship and creation of startups

Nazwa szkolenia

Entrepreneurship and creation of startups

Data szkolenia


Nazwa miejsca szkolenia

Klub Edukacyjny Numinosum

Adres szkolenia

Al.Niepodległości 225 lok.16, Warszawa

Cena szkolenia


Liczba dostępnych miejsc



Unikalna okazja i możliwość połączenia zdobycia wiedzy na temat przedsiębiorczości i budowy własnej firmy z nauką komunikacji biznesowej w języku angielskim w dziedzinie przedsiębiorczości i różnych aspektów budowy własnego biznesu, m.in. zagadnień finansowych, marketingowych, tworzenia modelu biznesu i biznesplanu a także rozpoczęcia działalności i zarządzania firmą.

Szkolenie szczególnie cenne dla osób młodych, uczących się języka angielskiego, a także tych, którzy rozważają prowadzenie działalności przedsiębiorczej za granicą.

Training is open to people of all ages who are interested in entrepreneurship and building of own business. The course covers all the important issues of entreprenership, entrepreneursial mindset and activities associated with creation of own business, from the very first day, when a person wonders whether entrepreneurship is a good choice for me, through the processes of building own business to exit when entrepreneur leaves the company and passes it to other owners (via succession, sale or IPO and making it public).

The training covers the following topics:

  1. The nature of entrepreneurship
  2. Beware of entrepreneursial myths
  3. Facts of entrepreneurial life
  4. Entrepreneurial qualities and capabilities
  5. Factors affecting new venture success
  6. Methods and techniques for identifying business opportunities
  7. Evaluating new business opportunities
  8. Model and strategy of your business
  9. Developing the business plan
  10. Components of the business plan
  11. Sources of funding
  12. Legal and tax issues
  13. How to set up a company
  14. The first 30 days
  15. Management of new business
  16. What affects the company growth
  17. Family business
  18. When others discourage you
  19. Closing points
  20. Questions and answers session


Janusz Marszalec

He holds Ph.D. degree from Warsaw University of Technology and MBA from University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management. He spent more than 15 years in most succesful Finnish innovation clasters in Oulu and Helsinki. He was a senior research scientist at VTT-Technical Research Centre of Finland, leading projects, among others for Nokia, European Space Agency, and companies located at technology park Technopolis.

He is also consultant to companies in Finland and Poland. He teaches entrepreneurship at the university level. He is also a mentor to startup companies and spin-off businesses created from scientific research.

He is the founder of JMC, a software and Internet company, Innovatech Consulting, and Edison Centre.

Dr. Marszalec holds several patents and authored more than 100 publications on technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Centrum Edisona Sp. z o.o.
ul. Noakowskiego 12 lok. 7
00-666 Warszawa

(22) 825 84 06

602 237 923

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